Thursday, February 18, 2016

My First SoulCycle Class

Have you tried spinning before? What about SoulCycle? Target partnered with SoulCycle in 10 cities early this year in January and February to hold "pop-up" style classes. I tried a SoulCycle class on a recent weekend at a beautiful event space on Michigan Avenue, for the SoulCycle + Target weekend event in Chicago.

The verdict?

I loved it. It was a loud, heart pumping, leg crushing workout. I was still sore three days later, especially in my legs. I can't wait to go back.

The SoulCycle event pairing is an extension of Target's popular style collaborations. Target has expanded its fitness apparel line and healthy food options over the past year, and this SoulCycle collaboration reflects it. I love Target's line of workout gear, so I was excited to receive a new Target outfit to wear for the SoulCycle class (a tank and patterned workout tights).

As a first time rider, I'll admit I was nervous before the class but the hosts were very welcoming. My biggest fear {don't laugh} was falling off the bike. I'm clumsy with any workout that involves equipment! Thankfully that didn't happen, and couldn't happen, because your shoes are clipped directly into the bike pedals. Is it obvious yet that I'm a newbie to spinning? :)

The class instructor Brent led us through a fast, 45 minute high intensity workout. One thing that makes SoulCycle unique and popular is the effort to move your body to the beat of the music. The lights are turned down and the music UP to get your heart pumping. I loved this, and it made for a great full body workout. I was surprised that the cycling class also included push-ups and a fast-paced arm workout {with 2 pound weights}, completed while clipped into the bike and moving your legs the entire time.

Sweaty face + green juice after class!

The event also included a Target pop-up shop with fitness apparel. I wish I would have picked up one of the cycle tanks!

After the workout, K met me downtown and we went out for lunch at Latinicity, a Latin-inspired "food hall" that opened last year. It's a really neat space on the third floor of the Block 37 building, with beautiful window views of the streets below. I had a quinoa stir fry bowl and K had tacos. Don't miss a visit to the "I Have a Bean" coffee shop inside. The almond milk latte was one of the best I've tried.

Disclosure: I received a free workout outfit from Target to wear at this SoulCycle event. The SoulCycle + Target class mentioned in this post was free to all registered participants.


  1. I did not love the soul cycle class I tried, probably because I am not coordinated enough to figure out all the other moves you're supposed to be doing while you ride.
    P.S. Chicago is one of my favorite cities to run in - love your header photo!

  2. I did spin when I lived in Ottumwa and loved it. Looks like fun!!! You look beautiful!

  3. I do love cycling! I'd like to try this but like Coco commented, I'm not coordinated enough to do the moves!

  4. I love cycling too and used to teach it. Soul Cycle does require some coordination for the dance moves though. Always a great workout
