Sunday, November 15, 2015

Weekend Update + Weekly Workouts

Hello! How was your weekend? We had beautiful weather again {I'll take 65 degrees in November every weekend!} and spent several active hours outdoors. A few weekend highlights -

Saturday morning: Biking to Evanston for brunch with my friend M + meeting her baby for the first time.

Saturday afternoon: Visiting Eataly downtown with K's parents to shop and try the truffle pop-up restaurant - Il Tartufo.

Sunday morning: Finishing a morning run and a long walk after brunch with my friend E at Southport Grocery and Cafe. Hint: Get the breakfast sandwich, served on an English muffin with mashed potatoes as a side. Delicious!

On the workout front, today marks the end of week two of the November Fitness Challenge. At the beginning of the month, I posted about the Nike Get Out Here Contest and my November Fitness Challenge. Nike is challenging athletes to "Get Out Here" this winter as the weather cools down and we are tempted to hibernate indoors instead of stay active outside. I'm also challenging myself to "Get Out Here" with five workouts per week in November, outdoors as much as I can.

I'm happy to report that I met my goal this week. My week 2 workouts included:

Wednesday, 11/11: Ran 3.5 miles
Thursday, 11/12: 45 minute Cardio Barre class; ran 1 mile
Friday, 11/13: Ran 4 miles
Saturday, 11/14: Biked 12 miles
Sunday, 11/15: Ran 5 miles

How was your weekend? Did you spend any time outdoors?


  1. Wasn't it amazing this weekend? I got out yesterday, and I'm off today, so as soon as I finish all my blog comments, I'm getting back out there again!

  2. We visited Eataly the weekend before you did---missed Il Tartufo. Darn it!

  3. I can see you had a lovely weekend with lots of beautiful places to see and a lot of exercise!
