Monday, November 9, 2015

Chicago Hot Chocolate Race + Weekly Workouts

Good morning! I meant to post this update yesterday, but the day got away from me and I needed to finish up a few hours of work before the start of a new week. This weekend went by too quickly - we ordered a new oven + microwave {so excited}, I tried a few new recipes, we spent time with friends, and I finished the Hot Chocolate 5k race on Sunday morning.

In 2014, I posted a 15k Training Plan before the Hot Chocolate race in November {15k race recap here}. I ran the 5k this year, again with my friend S and her dad. The weather was much warmer than the 2014 race, which we appreciated. It was great fun! The race began in Grant Park and we ran on Lower Wacker drive for the first mile. The 15k and 5k runners ran together for the first ~2.6 miles or so, and the 15k kept running south while the 5k runners turned back to Grant Park to finish. It was a gorgeous day - not a cloud in the sky.

The Chicago Hot Chocolate race is absolutely huge - over 20,000 people finished the 5k. Despite all of those runners, the race this year was very well organized. Runners were placed in one of two corrals, in different letters of the alphabet. Each letter corral started in three minute intervals. The streets were still packed while running, but the three minute intervals helped spread people out.

Race Results
Time: 31:06
Pace: 10:01/mile
Overall place: 4,232 out of 23,051
Age group place: 308 out of 2,448

I also met up with my cousin and her nursing friends, and my friend from college after the race. We finished the morning with brunch at Howells and Hood. All in all, a good day!

Lastly, my workouts for the past week. On Thursday I posted about the Nike Get Out Here Contest and a November Fitness Challenge. Nike is challenging athletes to "Get Out Here" this winter as the weather cools down and we are tempted to hibernate indoors instead of move our bodies outside as we do the rest of the year. I'm also challenging myself to "Get Out Here" with five workouts per week in November, outdoors as much as I can.

Over the past week, I didn't finish five workouts as I had hoped. Work was crazy busy and it was hard to squeeze in the time. I hope to make up for it this week, with four runs and one cardio class. 

My workout recap since November 1:
Sunday, 11/1: Ran 5 miles
Tuesday, 11/3: 1 hour Nike workout, with strength + outdoor track
Thursday, 11/5: 45 minute cardio barre class; ran 2 miles
Sunday, 11/8: Hot Chocolate 5k race

How are your workouts going in November?


  1. Those Hot Chocolate races always look so fun! Glad to hear they're well organized.

  2. Wow, the Hot Chocolate race is huge in Chicago! I'm pretty sure it wasn't that big in Philly - looks like you had a great day for a race, congrats!

  3. So far, I am limited to brisk walks... for another week. Cannot wait to get running again!

  4. I'm going to make some hot chocolate now. :-D I'm trying my first prenatal class this weekend so...we'll see how that goes. Ha.

  5. now I want hot chocolate! That race came to DC a few years back and it was a total disaster and they never came back!

    1. I heard they had a similar experience here a few years ago, but the race is super well organized now!

  6. How fun! I've recently been getting back into running and I would be a lot more motivated if I had hot chocolate to run for. :)

  7. Good to know that race went off without a hitch this year. People seem to remember the negatives about it more than anything else. You had a gorgeous day to race!

  8. I'm still injured, no no workouts at all in November. The weather looks beautiful for your race!

  9. I"m glad to hear that Hot Chocolate finally got their act together! I ran the 15k about 5 years ago and had a terrible experience.

  10. Wow, 20,000 people for a 5K?! That sounds crazy! Did the crowd ever thin out? I've never done a Hot Chocolate race before, they sound like fun!

  11. I've heard good things about the Hot Chocolate races, but they totally blew it when they came to DC. I'd love to try one of the well organized ones!

  12. I had a friend run this race and it looked like a total blast. I was on the way home from Milwaukee on Sunday and I wish I would have stopped to run too despite the large crowd.

  13. My workouts are kind of non existent but trying to get back into it. Pinning your 15k plan bc I am runnign one on Dec. 22 and really need to get back in shape!

  14. I need to get myself back into working out routine. Your post has been a good reminder to put my sneakers back on.

  15. Still running and spinning in November! Love how the race had a giant blow up hot chocolate cup!

  16. Cool post! Gosh I admire you marathon runners. I really don't know if I ever have it in me! I'd just want to do a marathon of drinking hot chocolate! ;)

  17. Greta post! I love the mug!!! I got a mug for one of my first races and it's the best!

  18. My workouts are awesome. It's the weather. Running has been amazing. Chicago is one of my all time favorite cities.

  19. I love running and have run many races, but I haven't seen this one before. Thanks for sharing!
